Easyvoyage is a travel infomediary (information+intermediary) portal offering information and services dedicated to travel.
The purpose of Easyvoyage is to compare, objectively, the products offered by the market's major vendors. You can conduct an optimal search - targeted according to their needs using advanced technology with real time availability.
They provide the best promotions from the biggest hotel operators, search engines to compare 85% of the market's offers, travel news updates, practical everyday information, and hotel ratings by their own journalists and readers.
To respond to the demand, 24,000 hotels are put forward by 32 Hotel partners, making Easyvoyage the 1st travel comparison site in Europe. More than 8,000 of these hotels have already been visited by Easyvoyage teams and they are currently testing over 1,000 hotels per year.
On 19 May 2008, Easyvoyage signed a 15-point code of ethics guaranteeing transparency of information for the consumer. The code, which was signed by all the major holiday comparison sites, was supported by FEVAD (France's federation of e-commerce and long distance sales), and by the French government.
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Patrice, Amazon